A Tail of Two Kitties

I’m not certain that this is true for everyone, but in my family, it was customary to get one or two large gifts for Christmas, and then several other smaller gifts. For Christmas in 2011, I planned to give Emily two big gifts. The first was an engagement ring, along with a corresponding proposal, and the second was a certificate for a pet adoption to our local shelter. I like to think she was most excited about the ring, but in my heart of hearts, I know the forthcoming kitten was the true big gift.

The first week of the new year, I took Emily to the animal shelter to pick out her new kitten. Of the many, one immediately found her way to us, greeting us with tiny but forceful meows and bright blue eyes. After a few minutes with her, we knew she was the one. We named her Jolene; yes, after the song. She was clearly beautiful and could easily steal anyone’s man, so it seemed like a perfect fit.

Once home, the bold Jolene that greeted us at the shelter became very timid and shy, though still sweet. And that sweet, shy kitty is the Jo that we came to know and love over the years. But, in 2016, something changed in Jo. On Feb. 11, 2016, Emily left this part of existence. In the days and months that followed, our timid and shy Jolene would not leave my side. Daily, she would lay on top of me, rest her head on my chest and purr softly. At the time, I wasn’t certain if it was because it was what she needed or if she thought it was what I needed. In hindsight, I know she was doing it for me.

In March of this year, cancer, once again, reared its ugly head. This time, for my sweet Jo. This morning, Tux, Jules and I said goodbye to her. If there is any magic and goodness in this existence, which I believe there to be, then as soon as she departed, she was greeted by Emily.

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